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International conference: "Cultural Policies in Europe: A Participatory Turn?

May 21 and 22, 2019, Université de Montpellier
Be SpectACTive! A European network for active spectatorship

Is "participation" everywhere in cultural policies?
What forms does it take, geographically, sectorally, politically?
How do cultural policies, at different levels of action, grasp this notion?
What kind of participation are we talking about? Participation in creation, in programming, in decision-making?
Who participates in what, how, why?
What are the instruments and paradigms of participation?
How does participation contribute to debates on democratization and cultural democracy?
What do cultural operators expect from a cultural policy to develop participation?

Round tables, presentations and workshops will bring together cultural operators, researchers and public decision-makers from over 15 European countries to provide answers to these issues and questions.

This conference is organized as part of the Be SpectACTive! network (a project supported by the European Union's Créative Europe program), with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Occitanie en Scène, the Occitanie Region, the University of Montpellier and the CNRS.

Detailed program and registration on the Occitanie en scène website


International Conference : "Cultural Policies in Europe: A Participatory Turn?

21st and 22nd May 2019, Université de Montpellier
Be SpectACTive! An European network for active spectatorship

Is "participation" everywhere in cultural policies?
What forms does it take, according to political, geographical and cultural contexts?
How do cultural policies, at different levels of action, make use of this notion?
What participation are we talking about? Participation to creation, programming, decision?
Who participates in what, how, why?
What are the instruments and paradigms of participation?
How do participation contribute to the debates on democratization and cultural democracy?
What do cultural operators expect from a cultural policy of developing participation?
Through round tables, keynotes speeches and workshops, cultural operators, researchers and public representatives from more than 15 European countries will share their experiences and analysis.

The conference is organized in the framework of Be SpectACTive! (project supported by the Creative Europe program of the European Union), with the support of the French Ministry of Culture, Occitanie en Scène, Région Occitanie, University of Montpellier and CNRS

Detailed program and online registration on Occitanie en Scène website
