Open Science
Open science is the unhindered dissemination of research publications and data. It aims to make these publications and data accessible to all, without hindrance, delay or payment. It is framed in France by the Law for a Digital Republic, which gives new rights to researchers to make their writings freely available. The National Plan for Open Science, published in 2018, aims to make the results of scientific research accessible to all. The second National Plan for Open Science for 2021-2024, published in July 2021, aims to reinforce and renew the actions already taken to make science more transparent and accessible for citizens and economic and social players. It comprises four axes: generalizing open access to publications; structuring, sharing and opening up research data; opening up and promoting the source codes produced by research; and transforming practices to make open science the default principle.
Article 30 of the October 2016 Law authorizes researchers to make their scientific publications freely accessible under certain
CNRS open access roadmap with 4 objectives
- 100% of CNRS publications open access.
- Data management/sharing based on FAIR principles.
- Independent research and analysis of scientific content.
- Transforming the evaluation of individual researchers to make it compatible with the objectives of open science on the one hand, and taking into account the contribution of researchers to open science in the evaluation on the other.
Roadmap for open access to the UM around 4 objectives
- Affirming the company's commitment.
- Sign the Jussieu Appeal and the Berlin Declaration.
- Formalize and communicate commitments and positions.
- Establish the use of HAL in all communities and increase the number of full-text repositories.
- Inform, encourage and support.
- Provide access to full-text repository indicators at various levels of granularity.
- Promote responsible data management.
- Provide a data infrastructure compatible with needs and challenges (scientific, environmental, financial, etc.).
- Formalize and distribute guides (PGD, ethical and legal issues, etc.).
- Provide a help desk.
- Provide tools and procedures to protect data and results.
- Implement an electronic laboratory notebook solution.
- Hosting sensitive data
CEPEL publications are available directly on HAL.