26th EADPHEV Congress

From September 8 to 10, 2022, the XXVIth EADPH congress was held in Montpellier at the Faculty of Medicine. Organized by Paula Vessallo (EADPH President) and Nicolas Giraudeau (EADPH Co-President, CEPEL Université de Montpellier). The theme was "Non-communicable diseases: time for action". We welcomed 124 people and 56 remotely. During the congress, we heard from Benoit Varenne, head of Oral Health at the WHO, as well as eminent specialists from the Universities of New York (USA), Mc Gill (Canada), Queensland (Australia), etc. In parallel with this congress, the Faculty of Law and Political Science welcomed the delegation of chiefs dental officers (22 representatives of the Ministry of Health from different countries).

Further information: https: //eadphcongress2022.com/