
The individual biographies are based on cross-referencing data available from several sources: institutional websites (White House, DOD, DHHS, Congress), Who's Who in America?, Leadership library, First Street, Revolving Doors, Source Watch, Wilkipedia, Lesgistorm, Linked'in, the press (Washington Post, New York Times, Politico), and all other sources available on the web.

These semi-structured interviews were conducted using a common grid by Anne-Laure Peaussier, Ulrike Lepont (PhD UM) and Sébastien Guignier (IEP Bordeaux). It included three blocks of questions: (i) social background, (ii) degree of involvement in the public policy decision-making process, (iii) reform models on which they were mobilized (ideas and instruments defended). The aim was to obtain data on their personal and professional trajectories to complement the socio-biographical files produced, and to be able to reconstruct the dimensions and/or reform options around which these elites mobilized. By taking into account the historicity of their career paths, we can show how these elites can change or adapt their vision of the future of certain reforms according to the collective representations that take hold.