Emmanuel NEGRIER
Career path
- Member of CEPEL from the outset; CNRS Researcher (1991) then Research Director (2006)
- Doctor of Political Science
Prizes, distinctions and Coordination or participation in research projects
- Jean Viard Thesis Prize, Académie Française - 1989
- CNRS Bronze Medal - 1999
- Scientific coordination of BeSpectACTive, an international research/action project as part of the European CREATIVE EUROPE program
- Coordination of FESTUDY, comparative research on festivals in Europe
- Participation in the Observatory of Political Change (OCP) in partnership with the University of Barcelona (UB) and ICPS (Barcelona Provincial Council and UAB).
- Participation in the Mediterranean Cities Research Program, Chaire Villes de l'École Nationale des Ponts-et-Chaussées (D.Lorrain)
- Participation in the Global Suburbanism research program, coordinated by York University in Toronto (R.Keil)
Administrative, research and development responsibilities
Director of Pôle Sud, Revue de Science Politique
- Thesis supervision
- Passavant, Lisa, New sources of funding for regional policies Bourse CIFRE, 2012-2015
- Claire Dedieu, L'impact des politiques de réforme de l'État sur l'intervention de l'État local en matière de protection des ressources en eau, IRSTEA grant 2013-2016
- Kamilia Berkani, Université d'Evry, co-tutelle with Philippe Gumplowicz, on the topic: "Pour une médiation culturelle des Musiques du monde; Analyse en socio-anthropologie de la musique. La réception des Musiques du monde : Problématique, méthodologie et corpus", 2013-2016
- Teaching
- Sociologie de l'Art, Master 2 Professionnel, Conservation et Gestion des Œuvres d'Art du XXème siècle, Université Paul Valéry, Montpellier III
Interactions with the environment
- Political scientist regularly invited to appear on regional radio and television stations and in the general and specialized press.
- Regular speaker on the following research topics: territorial reform, cultural policy, regional politics, sociology of culture, festivals.
The 5 most representative works
- La Fin des Cultures Nationales, Paris: la Découverte (with L.Bonet), 2008 translated into Italian (Armando Editore 2010) and Turkish (Bilgi University Press, 2015)
- World music and its audience(s). Marseille: Le Mot et le Reste, 2014
- Festivals de musique(s), un monde en mutation, Paris: Editions Michel de Maule 2013, coordination with Lluis Bonet and Michel Guérin, and simultaneous release in English under the title Music Festivals: a changing world, from the same publisher.
- Les publics des festivals, (dir. with A.Djakouane and M.Jourda) Paris: Michel de Maule 2010
- La question métropolitainePressesuniversitaires de Grenoble, coll. Symposium, 2005
The 5 most representative articles
- "Metropolitan solidarity put to the test of policies. Une double comparaison franco-espagnole", Sociologie et sociétés, vol. xlv, no 2, automne 2013, p. 269-292 (with M.Tomas)
- "Le Pen and the people. Géopolitiques du vote FN en Languedoc-Roussillon", Pôle Sudn°37, p.153-164, 2012
- "Cultural Policies in Spain. Processes and Dialectics", Cultural Trends, Vol.19, N°1-2, 2010, p.41-52 (with Lluís Bonet)
- "Políticas culturales: Francia y Europa del Sur", Política y Sociedad vol.44, n°3, 2007, p.54-70
- "Political Rescaling and Municipal Cultural Public Policies: A Comparison of France and Québec", International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Vol.31, n°1, 2007, pp.128-145 (With J.P.Colin and S.Breux)