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Hubert PERES
Career path
- Professor of Political Science at the University of Montpellier (since 1999). Delegated to the AERES- HCERES since 01/09/2012: CSP (Conseiller scientifique pour le pilotage) of the SHS2 group - Normes, institutions et comportements sociaux - Département d'évaluation de la recherche.
- Lecturer in Political Science at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux (1993-1999).
- PRAG at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux (1981-1994).
- Professeur Agrégé de Sciences Sociales en Gironde (1978-1981).
- Professeur Certifié de Sciences Economiques et Sociales (stagiaire) (1977).
- Agrégation des Universités de Science Politique, 1999.
- Habilitation to Supervise Research in Political Science. "Le politique, l'espace et le temps", defended September 13, 1994 at the University of Bordeaux I (Bordeaux Institute of Political Studies). Director: Albert Mabileau.
- PhD in Political Science. "Individuals between village and nation. Une expérience identitaire dans la formation de la France républicaine". Thesis defended on January 8, 1993 at the University of Bordeaux I (Institut d'Etudes Politiques). Director: Albert Mabileau.
- Agrégation de Sciences Sociales, 1978.
- Capes de Sciences Economiques et Sociales, 1977.
- DEA in Political Science (Local Government and Administration), Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, University of Bordeaux I, 1976.
- Master's degree in Sociology, University of Bordeaux II, 1976.
- Diploma from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, University of Bordeaux I, 1975.
Prizes, distinctions and coordination or participation in research projects
- Co-director of the LEA (Laboratoire Européen Associé) ETAPES (Espaces et Temporalités de l'Action Publique en Europe du Sud) CNRS - Universidad de Barcelona (2004-2011).
- Scientific manager of the FEDERES program (Training and Development of Resource Expertise in Southern Europe), INTERREG III-B South-West Europe (2002-2006).
- Organizer (with William Genieys) of the Round Table "Etats démocratiques et reconnaissances de la diversité. Analyse comparée du renouvellement du pluralisme politique", IXème Congrès de l'Association Française de Science Politique, Toulouse, September 5-7, 2007.
- Co-organizer (with Mohammad-Saïd Darviche) of the Panel 'Policies towards cultural diversity and politics of identity in comparative perspective ', European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference 2005, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, September 8-10, 2005.
- Chair: Gouvernance locale et identités dans une perspective comparative (GP8-72), 19th International Political Science Association (IPSA) World Congress, Durban, June 29-July 4 2003.
- Tempus TACIS program co-director IEP Bordeaux and Grenoble - Universidad de Barcelona - Baku Institute of Public Administration (Azerbaijan) 1998-2001.
Administrative, research and development responsibilities
- CSP (Conseiller scientifique pour le pilotage) of the SHS2 group - Norms, institutions and social behaviors - Research Evaluation Department.
- Director of CEPEL (Centre d'Etudes Politiques de l'Europe Latine) UMR 5112 CNRS-UM1 (2004-2014).
- Expert for the FRS-FNRS (Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique), Wallonia-Brussels Federation, Belgium, since 2013.
- Head of Master 2 "Operator in international cooperation and development" (since 2008).
- Elected member of the UM1 Scientific Council (2008-2014).
- Elected member of the Board of Directors of IPAG (Institut de Préparation à l'Administration Générale) in Montpellier (since 2008).
- Member of the jury for the African Aggregation in Political Science, Cotonou (2009) and Abidjan (2011).
- In charge of International Relations at the UFR Droit et Science Politique (UM1) (2010-2011).
- Chairman of the UM1 political science specialist committee (2001-2008).
Interactions with the environment
- Occasional consultant (radio and print media) on Spanish politics: France info - RFI; Radio Vatican; RCF; Radio Classique; France Inter, France Culture, NRJ; Radio Nostalgie; La Croix; Sud-Ouest; Le Progrès, etc. Regular political consultant for France Bleu Hérault, France Bleu Gard-Lozère (Radio-France group), FR3.
- "Catalan crisis: what to expect from the December 2017 elections", Diplomatie. Affaires stratégiques et relations internationales, n°90, January - February 2018, pp. 24-28.
- "On identity", Les Cahiers de Science & Vie n°149, October 2014.
- Contributor to L'Encyclopédie de l'Etat du Monde (La Découverte), in charge of the Spain section (2008-2012) "L'ancrage européen de l'Espagne " L'Espagne fonceuse ", Alternatives Internationales, n° 32, Sept-Oct. 2006.
- Conferences for the general public (Spain, Catalonia, diversity, integration, immigration, nation, anti-Semitism, Middle East conflicts, etc.).
The 5 most representative works
- (ed.) (with Christophe Roux), Spanish democracy. Institutions et vie politique, PUR, 2016.
- "Un étrange objet du débat : laïcité à l'hôpital dans les discours publics (2003-2011)", in Vincente Fortier and François Viala (eds.), L'hôpital au prisme de laïcité, Les Etudes Hospitalières, Bordeaux, pp. 33-94, 2013.
- "Towards the End of National Models for the integration of Immigrants in Europe? Britain, France and Spain in Comparative Perspective" in Adam Luedtke (DS.) Migrants and Minorities: The European Response, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, 2010, pp. 272-310.
- "Un autre regard sur les dynamiques de l'identité nationale en France et en Espagne", in Emmanuel Nadal, Marianne Marty and Céline Thiriot (coord.), Daniel-Louis Seiler (collab.), Faire de la politique comparée. Les terrains du comparatisme, Paris, Karthala, 2005, pp. 187-202.
- "Le village dans la nation française sous la Troisième République. Une configuration cumulative de l'identité", in Denis-Constant Martin (ed.), Cartes d'identité. Comment dit-on nous en politique, Paris, Presses F.N.S.P., 1994, pp. 209-228.
The 5 most representative articles
- "The Spanish legislative elections of December 20, 2015 and June 26, 2016", Pôle Sud n°45, 2016, pp. 139-154.
- "Genèse et contexte d'une invention le questionnaire de Juan Linz entre identité subjective et prétentions nationalistes", Revue internationale de politique comparée, n° 4 - Volume 144, 2007, pp. 515-530.
- "Erving Goffman et la vie sociale à l'épreuve du temps", Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, vol. CVII, July-December 1999, pp. 405-428.
- "Entre désenchantement et réenchantement : chasser en Chalosse", Etudes rurales, n°147-148, January-December 1998 pp. 99-113.
- "Communal identity, republic and communalization. A propos des monuments aux morts des villages." Revue Française de Science Politique, volume 39, number 5, October 1989, pp. 665-682.