Career path

  • Since February 2005: University of Montpellier, Senior Lecturer in Political Science. Researcher at CEPEL.
  • 2003/-2005: University of Montpellier 1, ATER Political Science Department.
  • 2002 - 2003: RTE (Réseau de transport électrique) / CNDP (Commission nationale du débat public): Member of the panel of scrutineers for the Debate recommended by the CNDP to the project owner RTE (very high voltage line in the Lot).
  • Observatoire des politiques publiques en Europe du Sud (OPPES): research officer.
  • 1998 - 2002: ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) - Paris. Doctoral research contract.
  • 1997 -1998: AGOH - OH Groupe -Paris. Consultant. Studies and consultancy (environmental conflict management) for various industrial groups (Ciments Français/Italcemnti/Calcia, Lafarge Ciments, Total).
  • 1994 - 1997 CNFPT (Centre national de la fonction publique territoriale) - Paris. In charge of studies and research at the Observatoire de la fonction publique territoriale.


  • 1998-2003 PhD Political Science, Université Montpellier 1.
  • Thesis: Les industriels, l'environnement et la négociation de l'action publique. Le cas de l'industrie cimentière, under the supervision of Jean-Pierre Gaudin,
    Honorable mention, with unanimous congratulations from the jury. Jury: Paul ALLIES, Professor of Political Science (Chairman), Bernard BARRAQUE, Director of Research at the CNRS, Jean-Pierre GAUDIN, Professor of Political Science (thesis supervisor), Patrick HASSENTEUFEL, Professor of Political Science (rapporteur), Danny TROM, Research Fellow at the CNRS (rapporteur).
  • 1993 DEA in Political Science "Local government and administration", Sciences Po Bordeaux.
  • 1992 Diploma from Sciences Po Bordeaux, Political and Social Section

Prizes, distinctions and Coordination or participation in research projects

  • Grand Prix for theses awarded by the Montpellier Faculty of Law.
  • Surfood (Sustainable urban food systems) program, funded by Agropolis Fondation, coordinated by Nicolas Bricas (CIRAD, UMR Moïsa), 2013-2015, co-leader of the "Governance" axis.
  • GEDI program (European Government of Industries), funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) - coordinated by Andy Smith (SPIRIT, UMR 5116, IEP Bordeaux), 2009-2012.
  • GOUVINNOV project (Governance of territories and rural development), funded by the PSDR Program, 2009-2011, scientific coordinator for CEPEL.
  • PAECE program (Pour une approche écologique des comportements électoraux), funded by Agence Nationale de la Recherche - coordinated by Jean-Yves Dormagen (CEPEL, UMR 5112, Montpellier), 2006-2009.
  • Research report on the Fondation de France's "New Sponsors" program, financed by the Fondation de France under the direction of Emmanuel Négrier (CEPEL -CNRS), Paris, 2005.
  • A debate without consequences? Une analyse des effets politiques et sociaux du débat local sur le renforcement de l'alimentation électrique du Lot, financé par Réseau de transport électrique, (RTE), co-directed with Loïc Blondiaux (CERAPS), Isabelle Ras (GRETS) and Eric Drocourt (GRETS) January 2004.
  • Programme "Groupes d'influence et processus de décision dans le domaine de la Défense, Approches comparées", under the direction of William Genieys (CEPEL-CNRS), for the Centre des Hautes Etudes de l'Armement (CHEAr), French Ministry of Defense, Paris, June 2003.

Administrative, research and development responsibilities

  • Co-founder of the Master 2 in Research and Consulting in 2008 and co-director until 2013.
  • Director of the Master 1 in political science since 2007.
  • Thesis co-supervision: Romain Suchet, La gestion du nucléaire en crise. Une étude à travers les représentations des gestionnaires de crise, (direction: J.-Y. Dormagen), defended January 9, 2014.
  • Thesis co-supervision: Nicolas Ferran, La démocratie de proximité dans les exécutifs municipaux montpelliérains (1977-2011). (re)configurations clientélaires d'un offre municipale, (supervisor: J.-Y. Dormagen), defended January 15, 2014.
  • Thesis co-supervision: Ludovic Mariotti, La reforme de la sante au prisme des structures associatives: Jeux et enjeux de la réforme pour les associations du secteur Médico-social, (supervisor: J.-Y. Dormagen), in progress.
  • Participation in various thesis committees.
  • Participation in conferences: e.g.: Démocratie participative et dialogue environnemental, organized by the French Ministry of the Environment, May 5, 2015 Museum national d'histoire naturelle.
  • Peer reviewing for the following magazines: Métropoles, Pôle Sud, Participations, Gouvernement et Action Publique, Géographie, Economie et Société.

Interactions with the environment

  • 2014-2015 Project management assistance for Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole (MMM): P2A project (Agricultural and food policy), coordinated by Christophe Soulard, INRA.
  • 2012-2013 Various collaborations with the City of Montpellier on participatory democracy, Organization of the event: Collectivités territoriales et chartes de la participation Journée nationale d'échange d'expériences, Montpellier, March 22, 2013, Faculty of Law and Political Science.
  • 2013-2015 Appointed as guarantor for the consultation on the new station project (Réseau Ferré de France, RFF).
  • Since 2010 Member of the Institut de la Concertation: organization of various seminars in Montpellier, participation in working group meetings (e.g.: participation guarantors).

The 5 most representative books or book chapters

  • Michel L., (2012), Les industriels et le développement durable, L'Harmattan.
  • Carter C., Cazals C., Hildemeir J., Michel L., Villareal A., (2014), " Sustainable Development policy: 'Competitivity' in all but name ", in Jullien B. and Smith A. (eds), The EU's Government of Industries: Omnipresent, Incomplete and Depoliticized, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Blondiaux L., Michel L., (2009), "La mise en débat des dispositifs d'expertise" in Boy D. and Brugidou M. (coord.), Le débat public, un risque démocratique, Paris, Lavoisier.
  • Michel L., (2008) "The French Cement Industry and the Environment", in Genieys and Smyrl, eds, Accounting for Change, New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Gaudin J.-P., Michel L., (2006), " La " très haute tension " et les sciences du débat public ", (in collaboration with Jean-Pierre Gaudin), in Ihl O. (dir.), Les " sciences " de l'action publique, PUG.

The 5 most representative articles

  • Michel L., (2015), "L'apprentissage de la norme participative dans les politiques d'environnement industriel. Le cas de l'industrie cimentière," Politiques et Management public, 32/1, January-March.
  • With Rey-Valette H., Chia E., Mathé S., Michel L., Nougarèdes B., Soulard C., Maurel P., Jarrige F., Barbe E., Guiheneuf P.Y., (2014), "Comment analyser la gouvernance territoriale? Mise a l'épreuve d'une grille de lecture", Géographie Économie Société, 16, pp 65-89.
  • Vimal R. Mathevet R., Michel L., "Entre expertise, technocratie et jeux d'acteurs: peut-on penser collectivement une politique de gestion intégrée de la nature?", Natures, Sciences, Sociétés, 4/2012.
  • Genieys W., Michel L., (2006), "Au-delà du complexe militaro-industriel, le rôle d'une élite sectorielle dans le programme du char Leclerc", Revue française de sociologie, 47-1.
  • Genieys W., Michel L. (2005), "The invention of Leclerc Tank", French Politics, 3.