Alexandre DEZE

Alex Deze

Career path

  • Since 2024: Professor of political science at the University of Montpellier, researcher at CEPEL.
  • 2009-2024: Senior lecturer in political science (UM/CEPEL).
  • 2009: Qualification as Senior Lecturer, section 04 (CNU).
  • 2008-2009: Lecturer at the University of Montpellier 1.
  • 2003-2004: Visiting Fellow at Princeton University (New Jersey, USA). Scholarship from the Franco-American program at Sciences Po Paris.
  • 2001-2003: A.T.E.R. at Université François Rabelais de Tours (part-time).
  • Since 1999: Lecturer at Sciences Po Paris.


  • 2024: Habilitation to direct research (HDR), Sciences Po Paris.
  • 2008: PhD in Political Sociology and Public Policy, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, summa cum laude.
  • 1998: DEA in Political Sociology and Public Policy, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris.
  • 1996: DEA in History of the Twentieth Century, Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, summa cum laude.
  • 1995: Maîtrise (bachelor's degree) in Contemporary History, University of Reims, with honors.

Coordination or participation in research projects

  • Head (with Carole Bachelot) of the AFSP research group "Partipol" (Changing political parties).

Administrative, research and development responsibilities

  • Chairman of the Political Science Section (since 2024).
  • Vice-President of the Political Science Section (2021-2024).
  • Co-director of the Political Science Department (2017-2021).
  • Head of the Political Science degree (since 2012).
  • Elected member of the Faculty Council (2009-2018).
  • Member of the jury for the agrégation externe de sciences économiques et sociales (in charge of the political science exam, 2012-2016).
  • Since 2007: Co-director of the "Ouvertures politiques" collection published by De Boeck.


At the University of Montpellier :

  • "Introduction to political science (L1 Droit and ScPo)
  • "Social science methodology" (L1 Law)
  • "Political communication (L2)
  • "Sociology of partisan organizations (M1)
  • "PIP (M1)
  • "University integration 1 and 2 (L1 and L2)
  • "PPP" (L3)

Interactions with the environment

  • Frequent media appearances
  • Lecturer on the following lines of research: the transformation of democratic governance, the new political behaviors of citizens, social and political actors and politicization otherwise.

The 5 most representative works

  • DORMAGEN Jean-Yves, MOUCHARD Daniel, in collaboration with Alexandre DÉZÉ, Introduction à la sociologie politique, Brussels, De Boeck, 2023 (6th updated and expanded edition).
  • DÉZÉ Alexandre, 10 Leçons sur les sondages politiques, Brussels, de Boeck, 2022.
  • CRÉPON Sylvain, DÉZÉ Alexandre, MAYER Nonna (dir.),Les Faux-semblants du Front national. Sociologie d'un parti politique, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2015.
  • DÉZÉ Alexandre, Le Front national: à la conquête du pouvoir?, Paris, Armand Colin, 2012, (collection "Éléments de réponse", preface by Nonna MAYER).
  • AUCANTE Yohann, DÉZÉ Alexandre (dir.), Les systèmes de partis dans les démocraties occidentales. Le modèle du parti-cartel en question, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2008 (collection "Fait politique", preface by Jean-Luc Parodi).

The 5 most representative articles

  • DÉZÉ Alexandre, "Que sait-on du Front national?", in Olivier Fillieule et al. (dir.),Sociologie plurielle des comportements politiques, Paris, Presses de Sciences Po, 2017, p. 239-270.
  • DÉZÉ Alexandre, "Le changement dans la continuité: l'organisation partisane du FN", Pouvoirs, n°157, 2016.
  • DÉZÉ Alexandre, "Pour une iconographie de la contestation", Culture et conflits, n°91-92, Autumn-Winter 2013, pp. 13-29.
  • AÏT-AOUDIA Myriam, DÉZÉ Alexandre, "Contribution à une approche sociologique de la genèse partisane. Une analyse du Front national, du Movimento sociale italiano et Front islamique de salut", Revue française de science politique, vol. 61, n°4, 2011, p. 631-657.
  • DÉZÉ Alexandre, GIROD Michaël "Le Sonderfall en péril. Les figures de la menace dans les messages graphiques de l'UDC", Mots, n°81, September 2006, p. 23-34.