Camille MARTIN

Career path

  • Contract PhD student at L'Université de Montpellier since October 2018. Thesis directed by Marc Smyrl.

Thesis project

This study focuses on the political empowerment of New Caledonia and French Polynesia through the implementation of public health policies. The aim is to study the local public authorities' health policy agenda and its implementation process, in order to observe the transfer of political and administrative power. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the tension between the organization of decision-making power and its capacity to assume political autonomy by providing a coherent, functional public service. Thus, to produce a reflection on the interactions between health and society by examining their territorial governance in order to better understand the form and content of political autonomy.


  • Bilingual Master 2 "Politique et action publique comparées" (Montpellier University).
  • Master 1 and 2 Philosophy - Specialization Political Philosophy.
  • Degree in Philosophy (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3).
  • Bachelor's degree in theater (Université Paul Valéry Montpellier 3).