Emmanuelle REUNGOAT

 Career path

  • Lecturer in Political Science at the University of Montpellier since 2014.
  • Doctorate from Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2012).
  • Winner of the P. Pfimlin Thesis Prize, European Parliament.

Projects in progress

  • Carrier of the Working Package "Politicization processes", ANR-Enquête sur les Gilets jaunes (with M. Della Sudda, dir) 2020-2024.
  • Carrier of the interdisciplinary inter-MSH project: LonGI, approches biographiques comparatives des gilets jaunes 2020-2022.
  • Carrier of the "Devenirs Gilets jaunes" project (with F. Buton), MSH SUD, 2019-2020.
  • Gilettes, les Gilets jaunes au prisme du genre" project, GIS Genre, 2019-2020.
  • BAROC project (dir. JY. Dormagen), Baromètre d'opinion en Occitanie, Project funded by the Occitanie Region, 2019-2021.

 Completed projects

  • Carrier of the Misha Jr project "Territoires d'élection". (2014-2015).
  • Researcher in the projects "RAGE: Hate speech and populist othering in Europe throught the racism, age, gender looking glass" and "E-engagement against violence in Europe", French coord. Université Paris 8 (2013-2014).
  • Researcher in the EACEA project: "Youth Participation in Democratic Life." London School of Economics (LSE), (2011-2012).

Administrative, research and development responsibilities

  • 2017-2021: Co-director of the Political Science Department at the University of Montpellier.
  • 2016-2019 : Responsible for the Master 2 "Métiers du Journalisme". Carrier of the MUSE "Take Off" Innovative Pedagogy project "Un Master 2.0.", as part of the ANR Idex-I-Site, €10,000, 2018.
  • 2014-2020 : Head Teacher of the Political Science Department association.
  • 2014-2016: Head of the Political Science degree program.
  • 2015-2019: Co-organization of CEPEL's Séminaire d'actualités de la recherche en science sociales.

Teaching at the University of Montpellier :

  • Sociology of political actors, Licence 2.
  • Social movements and mobilizations, Licence 2.
  • History of European Construction, Licence 3.
  • Populism in Europe, Licence 3.
  • European Institutions, Master 1.
  • Research methodology, Master 2 Research.

Research areas

  • Mobilizations, Social movements, yellow vests movement.
  • Resistance to Europe & "Euroscepticism". European integration, Europeanization, European elections, citizenship.
  • Political parties & far right, populism. Analysis of political discourse.


In the name of the people? Idées reçues sur le populisme(with H. Cuchetti & A. Dézé), Le Cavalier Bleu, 2021.

" Enquête Sur Les Opposants à L'Europe. À droite et à Gauche, leur impact d'hier à aujourd' hui", Le Bord de l'eau, 2019.

magazine issue management

(with Magali Della Sudda) "The Yellow Vest Movement in France: A mixed Method Approach", French Politics, Special Double Issue Vol. 20, (3-4), December 2022.

(with C. Bouillaud), " Opposed in diversity. Les usages de l'opposition à l'Europe en France ", Politique Européenne, 2014, Vol. 1, n° 43.

(with J. Pozzi), "Une histoire des "anti-européens": Vingt ans de mobilisations souverainistes et alter-européennes en France (1992-2012), Les Cahiers d'Histoire Immédiate, spring-summer 2015.

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

" Les Gilets jaunes: une révolte sans fin? Une ethnographie collective des ronds-points pour comprendre la durée du mouvement ", (with A. Bernard de Raymond, L. Bonin, S. Bordiec, C. Clement, P. Chiron, K. Clement, C. Elalaoui, P. Liochon, Q. Ravelli), Genèses, 2023/1 (n° 130), pp. 80-111. DOI : 10.3917/gen.130.0080.

"Understanding the French Yellow Vests movement through the lens of mixed methods: A French touch in social movement studies?" (with M. Della Sudda), introduction, in French Politics, 20, (3-4), December 2022, pp. 303-317.

"Becoming Political While Avoiding Politics: A Study of Yellow Vests First-Timers", (with F. Buton, C. Jouhanneau) in French Politics, 20, (3-4), December 2022, pp. 395-419.

"United in diversity. Understanding what unites and what divides the Yellow Vests" (with JY Dormagen, L. Michel), in French Politics, 20, (3-4), December 2022, pp. 444-478.

"Are movements opposed to climate-change policy necessarily anti-environmental? A review of social science research on the Yellow Vests' environmental attitudes?" (with A. Levain, S. Persico, C. Alexandre, C. Dondeyne, C. Elalaoui, L. Fortun, N. Gaborit, Y. Le Lann, M. Della Sudda), French Politics, 20, (3-4), December 2022, pp. 550-572.

(with J-Y. Dormagen and L. Michel), "Quand le Vert divise le jaune. How cleavages on ecology operate within the yellow vests, Ecologie et politique, 62, 2021.

"Enquêter in situ par questionnaire sur une mobilisation en cours: une étude sur les Gilets jaunes", Collectif de recherche sur les Gilets jaunes, Revue Française de science politique, 2019, n° 5-6, Vol. 69.

"Mobilizing Europe in national competition: The case of the French Front National", in special issue (N. Brack & N. Startin) "The times they are a changin': Euroscepticism from the margins to the mainstream", International Political Science Review, June 2015, 36 (3), pp. 296-310.

(With C. Bouillaud), " Tous des opposants? De l'euroscepticisme aux usages de la critique de l'Europe," (with C. Bouillaud), Politique Européenne, 2014, n° 43, Vol. 1, pp. 9-45.

" Mobilizing Europe in national competition ", European Policy, 2014, no. 43, Vol. 1, pp. 120-162.

"Anti-EU Parties & the People. An Analysis of Populism in French Euromanifestos" in special issue (S. Dechezelles & L. Neumayer), "Is Populism a Side-Effect of European Integration? Radical Parties and the Europeanization of Political Competition", Perspective on European Politics & Society, 2010, Vol.11, 3, p. 292-312.

Preprints, articles in non-edited journals and dictionary entries

Reungoat, Emmanuelle, Cecile Jouhanneau, and François Buton. 2020. "Becoming Yellow Vests: The Politicization of Ordinary Citizens (France 2018-20). "American Political Science Association Preprints. doi: 10.33774/apsa-2020-dz80s.

Buton, François, Emmanuelle Reungoat, and Cecile Jouhanneau. 2020. "A Renewal of Protest? Observing the Yellow Vests Through the Biographical Lens."APSA Preprints. doi: 10.33774/apsa-2020-mww3t.

"Les difficultés d'implantation d'un parti souverainiste en France (1992-2009)", in Anti-européens, eurosceptiques et souverainistes, Une histoire des résistances à l'Europe, Les Cahiers IRICE (Actes), n° 4, 2009, p.113-128.

"Representing citizens via interest groups: issues and shortcomings of a routinized community system",Savoir/Agir, December 2013, no. 16, pp. 103-110.

Notes "Eurosceptiques" and "Souverainistes" in E. Lambert-Abdelgawad and H. Michel,Dictionnaire des acteurs de l'Europe, Brussels, Larcier, 2015.

Book chapters

"Exploring the Long-Term and Short-Term Causes of Euroscepticism: The Historical Roots of French Opposition to European Integration", in DS. Mark Gilbert, Daniele Pasquinucci, Euroscepticism, the historical roots of a political channel, European Studies,Vol. 36, Brill, 2020, pp. 33-56.

"Changing the Rules, Changing the Winners? The Various Effects of European Election Rules on Party Oppositions to the EU in France" in B. Leruth, N. Startin, S. Usherwood, Handbook of Euroscepticism, Routledge, 2017, pp. 155-197.

" The 2014 EP Election and French Oppositions to the EU since 1979: Evolution and Influence" , in Hassing Nielsen, Julie, Franklin, Mark N. (Eds.),The Eurosceptic 2014 European Parliament Election. Second Order or Second Rate?, Palgrave, 2017, p. 17-36.

"Political sociology of the European Union", in E. Savarese & C. Roux, Manuel de science politique, Larcier 2017.

"Modes de scrutin, financement des campagnes électorales et émergence des partis "eurosceptiques" dans les élections européennes en France ", in Libera M., Schirmann S., Wassenberg B. (eds.), Abstentionnisme, euroscepticisme et anti-européisme dans les élections européennes de 1979 à nos jours, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner Verlag, 2016.

" La critique de "l'Europe", ressource stabilisée de l'entreprise politique du FN? ", in S. Crépon, A. Dézé, N. Mayer, Le Front national : un parti en transition?, Presse de Science po, 2015.

"Towards a more inclusive European democracy: food for thought", in Marco Mascia,Verso un sistema partitico europeo transnazionale, Bari, Cacucci, 2014, pp. 137-148.

" Changes in discourse and resistance positions toward Europe in French Political Parties (1979-2009)", in Pasquinucci Daniele and Preda Daniela (eds.), Consensus and European Integration, Peter Lang, Euroclio, 2012, pp. 165-180.

" L'européanisation dans le texte : la place et le traitement de l'Europe dans les euromanifestes de partis français (1979-2009), in M. Petithomme, L'Européanisation de la compétition politique nationale, Adaptations et résistances en perspective comparée, Presses Universitaires de Grenoble, Coll. Europa, 2011, p. 47-71.

" Les résistances partisanes à l'Europe dans les partis français : enjeux de présentation de soi et de labellisation " in B. Wassenberg, F. Clavert, P. Hamman (eds.), Contre l'Europe? Antieuropéisme, euroscepticisme et alter-européisme dans la construction européenne de 1945 à nos jours: les concepts, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2010, Vol. 1, p. 155-171.

"Ordinary appropriations of Europe. L'U.E. vue de l'ANPE", in A. Crespy and M. Petithomme (eds.), L'Europe sous tension. Appropriation et contestation de l'intégration européenne, Paris, L'Harmattan, Logiques Politiques, 2010, p. 113- 131.