Mattei Dogan Award of Excellence 2013

Career path

  • Research Director 1st class CNRS (September 2014).
  • Research Director 2nd class CNRS (September 2009).
  • CNRS 1st class research fellow (September 1999).


  • Doctorate in political science from the University of Paris 1 (June 29, 1994).
  • Habilitation to direct research [H.D.R.] awarded by the Sorbonne (June 29, 1994).
  • Master's degree in Political Science: University of Paris 1 Sorbonne (1989).
  • Degree in Law and Political Science: University of Montpellier 1, Faculty of Law (1988).

Prizes, distinctions and Coordination or participation in research projects

  • Mattei Dogan Foundation Prize for Excellence in Political Science awarded by the French Political Science Association (10/07/2013).
  • 2000 (September), Director of the research program: "Professionalization and the military condition: a France/Great Britain comparison", Centre d'Etudes en Sciences Sociales de la Défense (C2SD), Paris (budget 45,000 euros, Ministry of Defense).
  • 2001, co-director of a research project with Jean Joana, Andy Smith et alii, "Les politiques des reconversions des personnels militaires : une comparaison Espagne, France, Grande-Bretagne", Paris, C2SD, Ministry of Defense, France. (budget 45,000 euros).
  • 2001-2003: Director of the research project, "Groupes d'influence et processus décisionnel dans le domaine de la Défense", DGA, Ministry of Defense, France (2001-2003), (budget 50,000 euros).
  • 2005-2007: Member of a research team: Marc Smyrl, Javier Moreno, Patrick Hassenteufel, "Les nouveaux acteurs de la transformation des systèmes de protection maladie en Europe (depuis le début des années 1990)", MIRE-DREES, Ministry of Health, France (budget 55,000 euros,).
  • 2006-2008: Director of the CNRS "France-USA" research project: "Les élites programmatiques une comparaison Europe/Etats-Unis" (budget 24,000 euros, CNRS).
  •  2008-2012: Director of the ANR-08-BLAN-0032 research project, "Opera, Operationalizing Programmatic Elite Research in America", (budget 250,000 euros).
  • 2011-2012: Labex Principal Investigator (2nd wave) Theme: "Governing Sustainable Development" (G.O.S.U.D). Budget 14 M euros (failure).
  • 2013: BUSR grant from the University of Montpellier to prepare a project for the ORA Plus project (28,000 euros).
  • 2015 : Principal Investigator of the GOSUD research project "GOverning SUstainable Democracies: A Comparison of France, the United Kingdom & the U.S.A." (1,150,000 euros) as part of the 4th international ORA (Open Research Area) call for projects.

Administrative, research and development responsibilities

  • Director of CEPEL (2015-2019).
  • Deputy Director of CEPEL (2011-2014).
  • Head of CEPEL's "Elites and democratic governance" research program (2006-2010).
  • CEPEL internal seminar organizer (1997-1999 and 2001-2003).
  • Co-director (with Marc Smyrl) of the Research Master: "Comparative politics and public policy" (2011-2014).
  • Director of the Research Master's program: "Regimes and Policies in Southern Europe" (2007-2010).
  • Member of the Board of Directors of theFrench Political Science Association (2010-2012).
  • Member of theAssociation des Enseignants et Chercheurs en Science Politique (AECSP ) 2002-2006.
  • Member of the Council of European Studies: Colombia University in 2006.
  • Co-editor of Pôle Sud magazine, 2007-2011.
  • Member of the editorial board of the Revue Internationale de Politique Comparée (RIPC) 2006 - 2011.
  • Reviewer for Critique Internationale, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research (IJURR), French Politics.
  • Evaluation of research programs for theAgence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and the Fond National de la Recherche du Luxembourg (FNRL).
  • Courses taught at the University of Montpellier prior to 2001: Constitutional Law, Political Science, Political Sociology of Elites, Comparative Politics, States and Public Policy, Totalitarian and Authoritarian Political Regimes, Sociology of Politics in Southern Europe...

Interactions with the environment

  • Political scientist regularly featured in the media: Atlantico, Direct-Montpellier, France 24, Le Monde, Midi-Libre, etc.
  • Production of DVDs on the great figures of the discipline.

The 5 most representative works

  • William Genieys, Sociologie politique des élites, Paris, Armand Colin [coll. U Sociologie], 2011 (362 p.).
  • William Genieys,The New Custodians of the State. The Programmatic Elites in French society, New Brunswick NJ, Transactions books, 2010 (213 p.).
  • William Genieys, Marc Smyrl, Elites. Ideas, and the Evolution of Public Policy, Palgrave, London, 2008. [pref. Peter Hall], (208 p.).
  • William Genieys (DS.), Le Choix des armes. Théories, acteurs et politiques, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2004. [pref. Pierre Muller], (168 p.).
  • William Genieys, Las élites españolas ante el cambio de regimen politico, Madrid, Centro de Investigaciones Sociologicas, 2004. [pref. Juan Linz], (292 p.).

The 5 most representative articles

  • William Genieys, Patrick Hassenteufel, "The Shaping of the New State Elites. Healthcare Policymaking in France Since 1981", Comparative Politics, vol. 47, n°3 April 2015.
  • William Genieys, Saïd Darviche, Catherine Hoeffler, J. Joana "Des " long timers " au sommet de l'Etat américain. Les secteurs de la Défense et de la Santé (1988-2010)", Gouvernement et Action publique, vol. 2, n°1 2013.
  • William Genieys, Patrick Hassenteufel, Marc Smyrl, Javier Moreno, "Programmatic Actors and The transformation of European Health Care States", Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law, vol. 35, n°4 2010.
  • William Genieys, Laura Michel, "The invention of the Leclerc Tank: The singular role of a project elite", French Politics, vol. 3, n°3 2005.
  • William Genieys, "The Sociology of Political Elites in France. The End of an Exception?", International Political Science Review, vol. 26, n°4 2005.