Publication: Au nom du peuple?,Humberto CUCCHETTI, Alexandre DÉZÉ, Emmanuelle REUNGOAT

Publication of the book by Humberto CUCCHETTI, Alexandre DÉZÉ, Emmanuelle REUNGOAT, Au nom du peuple? Idées reçues sur le populisme.


Today, who is not a populist, and what is not a populist? Lately, the term has been used to describe Éric Zemmour, Vladimir Putin, Didier Raoult, Emmanuel Macron, Podemos, the Yellow Vests and Brexit. But is the term really the best one to describe such different individuals or movements? And does it really mean anything at all? By deconstructing the preconceived notions associated with its countless uses, this book aims to offer a profoundly renewed perspective on "populism". It examines the notion's great elasticity and variability, deciphers its definitions and conceptualizations, and reviews its many applications. In the end, he demonstrates that, contrary to what one might think, populism is not necessarily a relevant concept. It can obscure more than it illuminates, and is less a reference to tangible reality than it is through its innumerable uses.

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