Thesis supervisor: Emmanuel Négrier (CEPEL); Vincent Simoulin (CERTOP)

Thesis/Thesis since 2018

"Restructuration des pouvoirs territoriaux: naissance de l'Occitanie"
"Restructuring of territorials powers: Occitanie's Birth"


A major reform, through the law of January 27, 2014 relating to the "modernization of territorial public action and affirmation of metropolises" (known as the MAPTAM law), the law of January 16, 2015 relating to the "delimitation of regions, regional and departmental elections and modifying the electoral calendar", and the law relating to the "new territorial organization of the Republic" promulgated on August 7, 2015 (known as the NOTRe law) and implemented on January 1, 2016, brings significant changes to the organization of the regions.

This thesis attempts to understand the reconfiguration of territorial powers between restructuring regions and emerging metropolises in the wake of this territorial reform. To this end, the case study of the new Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranée region was chosen. The method used is an inductive one, based on the sociology of organizations, the sociology of public action and political science.

A major reform, through the law of 27 January 2014 relating to the "modernisation of territorial public action and the affirmation of metropolises" (known as the MAPTAM law), the law of 16 January 2015 relating to the "delimitation of regions, regional and departmental elections and modifying the electoral calendar", and the law relating to the "new territorial organisation of the Republic" promulgated on 7 August 2015 (known as the NOTRE law) and implemented on 1 January 2016, makes significant changes to the organization of the regions.

This thesis work attempts to understand the reconfiguration of territorial powers between regions that are restructuring and metropolises that are emerging as a result of this territorial reform. To do this, the case study of the new Occitania Pyrenees-Mediterranean Region was chosen. The method used is an inductive method from a perspective of sociology of organizations, sociology of public action and political science.

*key words, FR + ANG

Regionalisation, Public policy, Politics, Merger, Metropolisation

Regionalisation ; Policies, Politics, Merge, Metropolision

Publications and communications


  • Lafage-Coutens, A., Prenat-Ville, C., & Simoulin, V., 2019 The political and organizational construction of the Occitanie region. Pôle Sud, n°50.


  • Simoulin V. and Lafage-Coutens A. The birth of a new region (Occitanie) and the questions it raises to political sociology, 4th Franco-Chinese Workshop: " New views on social sciences " November 15, 2018 -Toulouse
  • Lafage-Coutens A., Etre doctorante CIFRE au sein d'un terrain politique : le cas d'un Conseil Régional ; Journée d'étude : " Faire avec et pour : quelle posture dans la recherche en action ? Du terrain à l'épistémologie ", April 4, 2019, Reims.
  • Lafage-Coutens A., La fusion des régions : réorganisation interne des dossiers politiques, imposition, hybridization ou nouveau modèle ? The case of the new Occitanie Pyrénées-Méditerranées region / Discussant: Marion Paoletti, ST 06, 15econgrèsAFSP, July 2-4, 2019, Bordeaux.
  • Lafage Coutens A., Capacité d'action politique et réorganisation territoriale : le cas de la compétence sectorielle du développement économique au sein de la nouvelle région Occitanie, Colloque " contraintes financières, politiques de fusions, gouvernance multiniveaux. Les enjeux de la réforme territoriale", November 7 and 8, 2019, Rennes.
  • Lafage-Coutens A., La création de la région Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditerranée : entre processus de fusion et processus d'intégration du nouveau management public, Discussant Philippe Bezès, Journée d'étude : " Les organisations publiques en fusion ", November 18, 2019 -Bordeaux

Administrative responsibilities and activities

  • Since 2018: Elected representative of CERTOP doctoral students

Scientific responsibilities and activities

  • 2019 - 2020 :Co-organizer of the "Actualité de la recherche en Sciences sociales du CEPEL" seminar (Montpellier)

Responsibilities and teaching activities

  • 2017-2018: "Autonomisation et principaux courants en économie", under the supervision of Arnaud Buchs, Licence 1, Université Toulouse 2 Jean-Jaurès (3 groups)

Academic qualifications and distinctions

  • Master 2 - Institutions économie et société - École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS)- 2016-2017
    Dissertation: L'évolution des législations sur le financement des partis politiques et des campagnes électorales à partir d'archives administratives.
  • Master 2 - Sociology and political philosophy - Université Paris Diderot - 2015-2016
    Dissertation: Transparency in political life. Example of the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP).